The #VirtualManor
Since the annual Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) Conference was cancelled, some of the regular presenters have offered this 'mini-fest' of 'provocations' open to all HE scholars.
Thursday December 3-5pm UK time

Register for the free online event here.
Call for chapters: 'Being in shadow and light:
Academics in Conflict and Post-Conflict Higher Education'
Editors: Dina Zoe Belluigi & Tom Parkinson
14 December 2020 Chapter proposal deadline to be uploaded here
The complexities of academic identity and practice extend well beyond that which is visible within our daily professional practice and that which is at the forefront of mainstream research. For higher education to play a significant role in reducing conflict and in promoting peace, justice and humanitarian action within post-conflict reconstruction and development, more knowledge is required about how academics have negotiated the complexity of such transitions. Central questions guiding the curated anthology are:
What are the conditions and trajectories that constitute academic identities and practices when academic and state authority is displaced, in contestation and transition?
What is left unsaid, off the record, outside the room, in whispers about being an academic while negotiating such conditions?
What are the traces, legacies and intergenerational impacts of such differences in influence and orientation for academic cultures?
This book aims to curate eclectic scholarship which draws from varied forms of knowledge and knowing, including diverse knowledge systems, methodologies and modes of presentation. It is anticipated that the text will have a reflective ethos, which will self-critically consider what is being or was learnt, while not ignoring what is lost and what is at stake.
See more about the Call for Chapter Proposals here.
Upload the chapter proposal here
Dina's details can be found on the contributor's page - you are very welcome to contact her directly to discuss possibilities; extensions; and publishing under pseudonyms.
Higher Education, Hostile Environment and Covid-19: perspectives on displacement and decolonising
SSAHE (Social Scientists Against the Hostile Environment) invite you to a webinar
Monday, 14 December 2020 at 5pm UK time
This SSAHE webinar brings together a range of perspectives on Higher Education and the Hostile Environment of the United Kingdom, exploring anti-racist, decolonising and justice-focused practices in the UK around higher education, alongside the racialised and xenophobic hostile environment in HE that also characterises this pandemic conjuncture.
For more information see here.
To register see here.