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NEWS: Upcoming events; calls for papers and chapters


Higher Education, Hostile Environment and Covid-19: perspectives on displacement and decolonising

SSAHE (Social Scientists Against the Hostile Environment) invite you to a webinar on Monday, 14 December 2020 at 5pm UK time

This SSAHE webinar brings together a range of perspectives on Higher Education and the Hostile Environment, exploring anti-racist, decolonising and justice-focused practices in the UK around higher education, alongside the racialised and xenophobic hostile environment in HE that also characterises this pandemic conjuncture.

Speakers Include:

  • Stephen Wordsworth, Cara – a lifeline to academics at risk

  • Deborah Gabriel Lessons from The Ivory Tower Project: Why critical leadership and 3D Pedagogy are liberatory tools for Black academics

  • Gargi Bhattacharyya Risky bodies and rational racisms – what pandemic does to our relations to each other

  • Aura Lounasmaa and the OLIve (Open Learning Initiative) Conference Group: A Life in Lockdown: OLIve Students on Education, Hostile Environments and Covid-19

  • The webinar is chaired by Dr Ulrike M Vieten, Dr Bahriye Kemal and Professor Corinne Squire

For more information see here.

To register see here.


Call for Papers: Special Issue for Educational Review entitled: 'World in Motion: Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 on Global Higher Education'

Editor: Jason Arday

Abstract deadline: 30th November 2020, with selected contributors notified by 31st December 2020.

Jason writes "For this Special Issue, I am keen to receive abstracts from a wide range of people at different career stages particularly early-career researchers..... Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries about potential abstract submissions". Jason's details are hyperlinked in the 'Contributors' section of this site.

For more about the Call for Papers see here.


Call for chapters: 'Being in shadow and light:

Academics in Conflict and Post-Conflict Higher Education'

Editors: Dina Zoe Belluigi & Tom Parkinson

14 December 2020 Chapter proposal deadline to be uploaded here

Dina's details can be found on the contributor's page if you'd like to ask any questions, or express interest in joining the editorial team.

See more about the Call for Chapter Proposals here.

Upload the chapter proposal here

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